He-hey, look who stumbled upon this place again? Either way, I've kind of already left, as you can tell, as I’m very occasionally lurking here. But that doesn’t stop me from really wanting to finish this series. I've got plans to combine the entry about the generic puzzle games in one, but I haven't played like half of them, so I'll have to do that first. Along with that, I also want to make an entry for Journey, Bad Piggies, Stella and possibly Reloaded with the help of some people who do own an iPhone, since I don't. I don’t know if I need to disclose this, but the original series were by Mike4678. Hey and to add to this mess of an intro, most of this post is just me nitpicking small things and complaining about everything that I can complain about, so this post is not entirely true to my actual opinions. Now, with that out of the way, let’s err get evolvin’?
1. Ah, Angry Birds Evolution, a.k.a. Angry Birds Action 2: Electric Boogaloo
2. This game tries way too hard to be all edgy. Remember what happened when SEGA tried to be edgy? Yeah, the result wasn’t that great.
3. The original flock wasn’t present in the story initially, but rather only available as event characters that are stupidly difficult to obtain without emptying your wallet, so later, they added lower power versions of said characters just so that they’re still present in the story. But the 5-star event variants of these characters are still available in events. That’s kind of forced, innit?
4. Clans really feel like they’re just there for that one clan quest thing. Seriously tough, that’s it? No donating?
5. The Blues don’t appear outside of some weird mecha thingy, despite the blue colored characters obviously being based off of them
6. So, the characters just sorta take a snooze cruise after attacking? Like, c’mon, is running around that exhausting that you freaking fall asleep on the battlefield?
7. The white bird ability is nowhere based off of Matilda. Apparently it’s hard to stay consistent with everything else?
8. The roadblock quests are genuinely a pain in the butt, they just give a feeling of story and do nothing else besides slowing down the game’s pace. Period.
9. You can mess up a sequence where a pig is supposed to escape by killing him with overlevelled birds, so what does the game do? Turn a blind eye and pretend that he did escape successfully. Scripted events are hard to make, I know.
10. Terence with a tuxedo is both the best thing that I ever wanted and really disturbing.
11. No Hal? No Stella? No Bubbles? No Ki- Okay you know what, scratch that, I’m gonna be busy all day if I don’t stop with this now
12. You can’t change your slogan for arena banner fights, resulting in the slogan “you’ll never defeat my awesome team of birds” always displaying under these circumstances. Quite cringy, innit?
13. Apparently you can hatch adult birds from eggs. Cool
14. Also this game has a gacha system because money
15. King Pig as well as Leonard have been snapped out of existence and replaced by this generic rich pig dude
16. The pigs have turned berserk because of some weird poison thing. Hmm, I wonder where that plot point’s been used before?
17. The game just starts recycling stuff after you’ve completed it, and the worst part is that they try to hide it. Seriously, a decent amount of games do this, but they at least admit to it.
18. The music is a bit more on the generic side
19. Like all games with this rarity-based gacha system, low rarity birds fall off faster than the school grades of your average school bully
20. Most designs are a bit too realistic, which ends up with them looking a bit eerie
21. Also, most birds are generic, forgettable and lack personality
22. Due to the 2 branch-evolution system, you are allowed to own and use multiple of the same bird. Quite logical.
23. The voice lines are really annoying, and they didn’t make any unique voice lines for anyone
24. I have no idea why this game has a backstab mechanic gimmick
25. Okay, the game is overly edgy, the plot and characters are generic, the gameplay loop gets stale faster than a bottle of milk outside of the fridge, and the entire dam- I mean freaking game is a cash grab, you hear me?
Okay, expect me to release the next parts within a span of now until February at most, and afterwards I’m probably going to move on from this place (and possibly from the Discord server too)
Previous Parts:
Part 7: Angry Birds Star Wars II