How do you upgrade hats that are in the Magical Rarity in Angry Birds 2?
How do you upgrade hats that are in the Magical Rarity in Angry Birds 2?
26 Votes in Poll
(Btw I'm DingusIceBirdie on a new account because I didn't like the name)
Hey all, Ice here- no, I'm not Scott the Woz. Has anyone else been confused with the entire Angryverse timeline? Well, I made an entire timeline for this stupid multiverse. Oh well.
Let's at least start with the good universe, the Classic Universe.
1. Angry Birds (All but Bird Island)
I'll be reasoning why I cut out the Bird Island episode of all of them in a minute, just let me finish.
2. Angry Birds Rio (Only Rio 1)
3. Angry Birds Seasons (Continues throughout the timeline) + Bad Piggies
I like to thing that Bad Piggies takes place during Seasons. Why? I felt like it.
4. Angry Birds Space
I don't care that this is a separate universe, the Classic birds travel to the Space universe, transforming them to their Space, Superhero-like forms.
5. Angry Birds Friends (All the way to 2016)
6. Toons, Comics, Go!, and Stella (Both Show and Game mixed)
7. Angry Birds Rio 2
8. Angry Birds 2 (All the way to 2019)
And that's the classic timeline! I might've forgotten some games, but they might've not been that important. Anyway, I-
Someone messed with the timeline.
Also noticed the reused zeta background color and zeta appearing in kpp even though she doesn't appear after the xmas 2021 update.
When you use Terence, the music becomes quiet and slows down. It's a cool effect and it really makes it feel like a dramatic moment.
Angry Birds 2 is kinda missing something.
The King Pig
Chef Pig
Foreman Pig
And Zeta are all bosses.
But why not the Corporal Pig?
They should make The Corporal Pig a boss in Angry Birds 2.
Playable characters:
Minion Pig (replacing Red)
Small Minion Pig (replacing The Blues)
Jetpack Pig (replacing Chuck)
Bowling Ball Pig (replacing Matilda)
Courtney (replacing Silver)
Bomb Pig (replacing Bomb)
Fat Pig (replacing Terence)
Female Pig (replacing Stella)
Toucan Pig (replacing Hal)
Baloon Pig (replacing Bubbles)
Piggy McCool (replacing Leonard)
Garry (replacing Melody)
Minion Eggs (replacing Minion Pigs)
Corporal Egg (replacing Corporal Pig)
New bosses:
Chef Egg (replacing Chef Pig)
Foreman Egg (replacing Foreman Pig)
King Egg (replacing King Pig)
24 Votes in Poll