I Got All Tidbits And Photo In My Scrapbook!
I Got All Tidbits And Photo In My Scrapbook!
Welcome to part two of a series y'all probably thought I forgot about. It's mobile game sinning season.
D̶i̶s̶c̶l̶a̶i̶m̶e̶r̶:̶ T̶h̶i̶s̶ i̶s̶ C̶i̶n̶e̶m̶a̶S̶i̶n̶s̶ i̶f̶ i̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ g̶o̶o̶d̶
Disclaimer: This is a parody of CinemaSins' Everything Wrong With series. Without further ado, 😡🐦.
2. When this game first released, Trick or Treat should've been part of Classic, since you'd essentially be paying the same amount of money for less content, which is a reskin anyway.
3. Why did Rovio remove the Trick or Treat cutscenes?
4. Season's Greedings 1-17 is the worst Christmas present I could've ever asked for.
5. Ah yes, Hogs and Kisses. The debut of the Mrs. PacMan Angry Bird.
6. Moon Festival 1-11 should be tossed into the stratosphere.
7. For some reason, on modern versions of the game, you can't see half the screen of Wreck the Halls 1-25.
8. The Mighty Dragon looks cool, but his levels make me want to rip my head off.
9. Cherry Blossom. Such a memorable episode, am I right?
10. Stella kind of sucks.
11. Back to School 1-3 represents school really well! It sucks a$$!
12. Winter Wonderham can't decide what color it wants to be.
14. The amount of content we got in this game each year depended on how busy Rovio was those years; with Season 2013 being a prime example of this.
15. Haven't the Angry Birds already been to South America before? cough cough, Angry Birds Rio
16. Who asked for cloud data? It's made even worse by the fact that today it renders over half the game inaccessible on any version from December '14 to October '16.
17. Let's be real, On Finn Ice was this game's last good episode.
"Let's celebrate the fifth anniversary of our game by ruining it and turning it into a cash grab in which you buy over half the game!"
"Great idea! You're promoted!"
19. The Ski or Squeal update completely butchered the birds' sprite animations.
20. How does Marie Antoinette count as a season?
21. You know it's bad when the best pun they can come up with is "Hammier Things".
22. The last we ever saw of this game was Viking stuff? How is this Christmas?
23. No Hanukkah or Kwanzaa representation.
24. Why did Halloween, Easter, Valentine's Day and Moon Festival get their own Pig Days when they already had entire episodes?
25. Who the hell designed Pig Days 2-7 and what were they smoking?
26. It took Rovio four years to arrange the episodes in categories the year they're from—in other words, an order that actually makes sense.
27. This game birthed many AB plush sets that copied & pasted the first five birds and a pig and gave them hats. A premonition to Grindy Birds 2.
Part 1: Angry Birds
Part 3: Angry Birds Rio
Part 4: Angry Birds Friends
Part 5: Angry Birds Space
Part 6: Bad Piggies
Part 7: Angry Birds Star Wars
Part 8: Angry Birds Star Wars II
Part 9: Angry Birds Go!
Part 10: Angry Birds Epic
Part 11: Angry Birds Stella
Part 12: Angry Birds Transformers
Part 13: Angry Birds 2
Part 14: The games who shall not be named
Part 15: Angry Birds Reloaded
(Btw I'm DingusIceBirdie on a new account because I didn't like the name)
Hey all, Ice here- no, I'm not Scott the Woz. Has anyone else been confused with the entire Angryverse timeline? Well, I made an entire timeline for this stupid multiverse. Oh well.
Let's at least start with the good universe, the Classic Universe.
1. Angry Birds (All but Bird Island)
I'll be reasoning why I cut out the Bird Island episode of all of them in a minute, just let me finish.
2. Angry Birds Rio (Only Rio 1)
3. Angry Birds Seasons (Continues throughout the timeline) + Bad Piggies
I like to thing that Bad Piggies takes place during Seasons. Why? I felt like it.
4. Angry Birds Space
I don't care that this is a separate universe, the Classic birds travel to the Space universe, transforming them to their Space, Superhero-like forms.
5. Angry Birds Friends (All the way to 2016)
6. Toons, Comics, Go!, and Stella (Both Show and Game mixed)
7. Angry Birds Rio 2
8. Angry Birds 2 (All the way to 2019)
And that's the classic timeline! I might've forgotten some games, but they might've not been that important. Anyway, I-
Someone messed with the timeline.
I want to do data dumpster diving on Angry Birds Seasons on Android. Any tools for me?
Haunted Hogs theme from Angry Birds Seasons, do you miss this music?
Why are golden eggs episode, golden eggs from seasons and golden egg as an object in main series all documented on the same page?
Note that this will only work with Android devices.
First you need to choose a version of Angry Birds Seasons between Ham Dunk and Piggywood Studios Patch 0. Then install Lucky Patcher on your phone. If Google Play Protect blocks you from entering the app, disable scanning for that app. Then choose Angry Birds, Patch this app, InApp Purchases patch. This will allow you to get the NBA pass for free. Patch the app. If it doesn’t work, try checking some things then try again. Select about the patch, then uninstall and install. Select yes, then yes again, then ok. Enter the app. Go to Ham Dunk. Request a purchase for the NBA Pass. If done successfully, you should see a prompt asking if you want to get this for free. If you want, select Save for Restore Purchases to use the east and west levels in the later versions. Select Yes, you should get a message saying that your purchase has been confirmed.
(This guide does not support piracy. If you want something, you gotta buy it.)
(Edit, If all else fails, log in to your Google account.)
28 Votes in Poll
Just wanna play older AB seasons but this happened
Bird Wear in Angry Birds Seasons not only changes Bubbles' appearance, but changes his look when inflated.
This is the poster
And also angry birds space 2 the space Stella and Matilda aren’t my renders but I putted Matilda eyelashes
And more other ones
Idk the cars what there in Because I never played angry birds go
23 Votes in Poll