20 Votes in Poll
It's for a potential game called "Angry Birds Stella Space".
Dahlia (can you guess the game she's referencing????)
Any name and ability ideas?
The explosion clouds only affect ice
I know you can't see Luca very well here but whatever
(Gale and Handsome Pig walk on, passing the snowman. Suddenly his black eyes pop off, and he collapses, and is in fact Luca the Bird. Luca proceeds to swipe something from Handsome Pig, but Gale is quick to notice him.)
Gale: Luca, no swiping! Luca, no swiping! Luca, no swiping!
Luca: B-but Gale, I’m dying! I have severe altitude sickness!
Gale: [pulls down her scarf to reveal her face a toothy grin and points to it] See this face?
Luca: Ye-Yes?
Gale: This is my not-giving-a-(Bleep) face!
(Gale pulls up her scarf and the two continue on, leaving Luca behind.)
Here're Jay, Jake, Jim, and Luca taking a bath, which they hated if they haven't played in the mud puddle and leave mud prints on the hallway to the living room floor.
"Wash away Troubles Have a soak with Bubbles"
(Luca's Stomach Growls, Elena, Guard and Gale look Luca's Stomach and Zoom out)
Luca: Sorry! My lunch alarm is going off.
In 2:59
Each time you play usually it crashes but you have to turn off wifi to prevent the crashing.
I grew up playing Angry Birds games, and Angry Birds Stella has left the biggest impact on me, to say the least. I still can't believe it's been nine years since it came out!
I haven't said much about the Stella flock so here it goes. When Gale was very little her parents called her "our little princess" which is why she thinks she's a princess. There are no pigs on golden island and the golden egg isn't real. Luca is the blues cousin. Poppy is the adoptive mother of Luca. Any questions at all? Anyone? Part 1 and 2:
As the oldest of the flock, Matilda is a maternal-like figure, she educates people with reprehensible behavior, most notably Chuck, and she also takes care of the other birds by cooking food for them, nursing them of their sickness and wounds, and most significantly: guarding the eggs. The hatchlings find her as a role model for a mother or an older sister. So here they are hugging Matilda for caring for them.
Here click https://www.deviantart.com/dixonjaveon812/art/Happy-Mother-Hen-s-Day-961591112
35 Votes in Poll