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30 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
I apologize for repeating myself with this, but I realized a few things I forgot to mention and there were some mistakes I forgot to fix.
I love the game don't get me wrong, but let me explain my opinion on the Pigbots:
Normal Pigbots: While not a threat, they are easy to deal with.
Pigbot Gunners: Like the normal Pigbots, they are easy to deal with, and its more fun when you destroy them before they get a chance to attack.
Blind Pigbots: Just a bunch of bozos who don't know who or what they are shooting at.
Rocket Pigbots: Honestly, their rockets are easy to dodge.
Elite Pigbots: They are bad in harder levels.
Kamikaze Pigbots: They too are easy to deal with, if you can reach the balloon.
Sharktihogs: I know they can only be found by water, but again, easy to deal with.
Walking Motars: Those are a pain in the butt.
Flying Pigbots: With some characters they are hard to aim at, and they flying into you before you get the chance to destroy them, unless you have the shield. They are also very annoying in swarms and I hate them! They are the worst Pigbots in the entire game.
Bat Pigs: They are easy to deal with, despite them not attacking you, but just like those stupid Flying Pigbots they will fly into you if not taken care of.
Also on a side note:
There are many glitches that need to be fixed.
Like how Blaster Bird is treated as a Deceptihog despite being an Autobird.
And some like Nautica Bird and Alpha Trion Bird threat Autobirds as enemies and Deceptihogs as allies, plus Matilda and The Mighty Eagle and Zeta need their actual voices instead of reusing others from existing characters.
If there's anything else I'm missing please let me know.
Can we talk about why mighty eagles toons design even exists? it wasnt used anywhere except for epic and fight
Silver, the last bird native to Piggy island, is a mad scientist who can only be stopped by Professor Pig & Matilda
The only reson why Leonard doesn't simlpy use
Bird & Eagle island are both inhabitable due to the events of the 2nd movie
The geothermal generator was destroyed in the explosion of Zeta's lab, rendering most of Eagle Island's infrastucture unusable. Said explosion also sent metric tonnes of volcanic ash into the air, leaving the island's outdoor city unbreathable.
Zeta's motive for attacking Bird & Piggy Island was to extract their raw natural reasources, which Eagle Island lacks
Mighty Eagle left Zeta due to conflicting moralities, and didn't bring Debbie with him so they wouldn't search for him.
Rewritten AB2 ending.
Leonard sacrificed himself to buy the flock enough time to summon Mighty Eagle with a sardine can, who critically damaged the ice cannon. Despite this, Zeta somehow goes through with firing trice. The first two ice balls are deflected by the Blues & their King Pig mode counterparts, while the last is slammed back into the cannon by Stella and Silver's team attack. Mighty Eagle saves their flock, while his estranged daughter saves Zeta. To Zeta's dismay, only 2 of the eagles survive the explosions.
Zeta searches for her daughter, only for her to perish before she could finish a single sentence. Zeta has lost everything: Her home, her achievements, and her daughter. Silver quickly detains the purple Eagle mid-mental breakdown and leaves her to be carried by Terrence. As the others escort his ex wife, M.E. stares at Debbie's body, thinking about what could've been, before flying off.
After King Smoothcheeks' coronation, we cut to Zeta's cell. The Philippine eagle's depressed expression quickly turns to dismay as she realizes that Silver's her parole officer because everyone else qualified is dead.
All of Bird island's survivors moved to Piggy Island, except for the Stella flock, who moved to Golden island
Matilda & Silver are Zeta parole officers. Matilda is in charge of the community service, while Silver is just there to give out cruel and unusual punishment.
Zeta has a shock collar and bomb strapped to her. She is NOT ok. (She later explodes after Smoothcheeks breaks his father's treaty with the birds)
As Mighty Eagle called by sardine, I think it is similar to The Cat God from The Battle Cats since The Cat God is supporting player if they called with Cat Food, similar can to sardine.
So what do you guys think? Who is more stronger?
If Eagle island, Bird Island, & the archipelago featured in Melody backstory existed, they would've been colonies in the Piggy Island
Debbie's would never be even conceived because
Mighty Creatures are sterile in this au
Mighty Eagle being a fossil compared to Zeta & never met her due to living on a completely different continent
Zeta is either dead or had her brain scanned into an AI
Garry would be Silver's talent manager, while Courtney is her intern
Movie Silver/Racheal would be arrested for identity theft and is currently homeless
Silver would Kendrick Lamar Melody's career into the ground.
20 Votes in Poll
Warning: Very Long Post Lol
After The Events Of ABM1, The Pigs Make Plans To Steal The Bird's Eggs, But Always Fail (Replacing The Stupid "Prank War"), But After The Pigs See An Ice Ball Fall Out Of The Sky, The Pigs Write A Truce.
All Of The Birds Are Happy (Including Red Because He Doesn't Have To Fight For The Eggs Over And Over Again), So They All Attend To A Disco Party Celebrating The Truce. While They Are There, Red Meets Silver, Chuck's Childhood Friend. Chuck And Silver Met When They Were Just Hatchlings. Red Thinks Silver Is Annoying And Leaves The Party. (Silver Is Also Goofier And Has Average Intelligence.)
When The Pigs Find Out Who Is Causing All Of The Ice Balls, Leonard Goes To Tell Red About What Is Going On, And Needs His Help. Leonard Leaves His Son, Prince Smoothcheeks To Be King While He's Gone, But Smoothcheeks Still Loves Eggs, Setting Up The Plot For The Third Movie.
Leonard Tells Red That The Leader Of The Third Island His Going To Destroy All Of The Islands, Red Agrees Because He Doesn't Want Anyone Hurt, And Not For Fame And Glory. Red Gathers Chuck, Bomb, Hal, Bubbles, The Blues, And Mighty Eagle. Chuck Convinces Red That Silver Should Join The Team.
When They Are At Eagle Island, Mighty Eagle Doesn't Want To Meet Zeta Again Because She Will Hate Him And He Leaves, So The Gang (Excluding Red) Creates Harvey, Which Red Doesn't Like Because He Thinks It Is Very Stupid and It Won't Work, But The Others Use Harvey Anyway.
Chuck And The Blues Follow Red To Climb The Volcano And They Reach To The Top To Try To Shut Down The Super Weapon Inside Of It.
The Others Meet With Red, Chuck, And The Blues And They Plan A Way To Destroy The Superweapon, But Zeta Finds Them And They All Get Locked In A Cold Jail Cell. Luckily, Bomb Explodes To Break Everyone Out And Gary Creates A Plan To Stop Zeta From Destroying The Islands.
(The Whole Plan Thing Plays Out The Same Except That Bomb Takes Them Out The Same Way, But There Is No Baby Shark And Instead, Master Of Puppets By Metallica Plays.)
The Gang Fails To Stop The Super Weapon, But Just In Time, Mighty Eagle Swoops Down To Apologize To Zeta About Abandoning Her, But She Confronts Him.
While Zeta Confronts Mighty Eagle, Silver Remembers That She Can Swoop Straight Down And Push The Ice Balls Down, Then Zeta Pushes The Button To Release The Ice Balls, Bomb Explodes To Push Silver Up. Silver Swoops Down And Pushes The Ice Balls Back Into The Super Weapon Causing It To Break.
After The Mountain Explodes, Mighty Eagle Saves Debbie The Same Way That He Does In The Movie, Then Zeta And Mighty Eagle Gets Married And Everyone Is Happy.
But In A Turn Of Events, King Smoothcheeks Betrays Leonard And Puts Him In A Dungeon, Breaking The Truce And Setting Up The Plot For The Third Angry Birds Movie.
Good God That Is Long. I Hope You Enjoyed My Rewriting Of The Movie!
(No, This Is Not Made By AI, I Made This By Myself.)
Silver hires Bubbles and Hal as mercenaries stop the Flock in "The Final Forrest" Episode before joining it in "Pig Palace" after being defeated as a boss in "Pig City".
Blat and Steel Joins the Flock in the Episode "Pig City"
Unlike in the canon timeline UL Silver never left the Piggy Kingdom (Now The Piggy Empire) and was forced into stardom and several talents at an unnecessarily young age.
Blat and Silver are technical siblings because they were both raised by Dr. Wilbert Frankenswine
Frankenswine uses them as a "Test subject" and Silver is given a questionable amount of Government power due being "adopted" by scientist pig for science purposes.
Blat is an artificial Lifeform created by Dr. Frankenswine
Steel was one of Mighty Eagle's students and is friends With Blat and Bom Bom
Steel is neutral on the fight of Birds Vs. pigs and only fought the Flock for extra dough
Sliver owns two Companies named Silver spoon Brands and Silver Star Co.
She also provided Willow's Café with her Branded food & Lofi Music
Silver has a charity called the "Hatchling Apple Theft and Murder Foundation" which steals food from and killed invasive hatchlings. (A non-sapient parasitic species with a prolonged infant-hood)
Steel is the "straight man" of the group, while Blat has the bombasticness of Snaptube Shadow
Silver is 23, Blat is 19, and Steel is 35
Blat's ability is to aimlessly spin for 10seconds and shoot star projectiles(equal in strength to Jingle Sling ornaments), while Steel's ability is to throw his Hammer-Axe (can destroy metal).
Silver, Steel, and Wingman are the only birds who can destroy metal
Silver's visor was inspired by Mettaton Spiral from inverted fate
Blat and Steel were both inspired by cut birds from AB classic
Blat has no reproductive organs
The reason why Homing Chicken's Black market was legal is because Silver has ties with Willow's Café, one of it's partners
Silver likes sprite, Blat & Dr.Frankenswine's favorite drink is gingerale, and Steel's favorite beverage is dark coffee and matcha tea
Blat puts hot sauce on everything from Twinkies to milk
Steel's favorite food is sushi
Blat was created using the energy of a Golden Egg, and Mighty Feathers the give him semi-immortality (not dying by old age but can die of physical damage)
The reason why UL Silver is 23 is because she would be legally old enough to inhale copious amounts alcohol in most countries
Steel stores his Melting pot and anvil as cards while traveling, and rips the cards apart to summon them. (they can be turned back into cards after being summoned)
Silver is the kind of character that would canonically swear but doesn't due to the franchise being mostly rated E and can drink 50 shots of tequila in under a quarter of an hour, yet somehow manages to stay conscious.
Blat & Silver both have high metabolisms, and fight over the last like they're in a middle of a famine
Silver hires Bubbles and Hal as mercenaries stop the Flock in "The Final Forrest" Episode before joining it in "Pig Palace" after being defeated as a boss in "Pig City".
Blat and Steel Joins the Flock in the Episode "Pig City"
Unlike in the canon timeline UL Silver never left the Piggy Kingdom (Now The Piggy Empire) and was forced into stardom and several talents at an unnecessarily young age.
Blat and Silver are technical siblings because they were both raised by Dr. Wilbert Frankenswine
Frankenswine uses them as a "Test subject" and Silver is given a questionable amount of Government power due being "adopted" by scientist pig for science purposes.
Blat is an artificial Lifeform created by Dr. Frankenswine
Steel was one of Mighty Eagle's students and is friends With Blat and Bom Bom
Steel is neutral on the fight of Birds Vs. pigs and only fought the Flock for extra dough
Sliver owns two Companies named Silver spoon Brands and Silver Star Co.
She also provided Willow's Cafe with her Branded food & Lofi Music
Silver has a charity called the "Hatchling Apple Theft and Murder Foundation" which steals food from and killed invasive hatchlings. (A non-sentient parasitic species with a prolonged infant-hood)
Steel is the "straight man" of the group, while Blat has the bombasticness of Snaptube Shadow
Silver is 23, Blat is 19, and Steel is 35
Blat's ability is to aimlessly spin for 20 seconds and shoot star projectiles(equal in strength to Jingle Sling), while Steel's ability is to throw his Hammer-Axe (can destroy metal).
Silver, Steel, and Wingman are the only birds who can destroy metal
Silver's visor was inspired by Mettaton Spiral from inverted fate
Blat and Steel were both inspired by cut birds from AB classic
Blat has no reproductive organs
The reason why Homing Chicken's Black market was legal is because Silver has ties with Willow's Cafe, one of it's partners
Silver likes sprite, Blat & Dr.Frankenswine's favorite drink is gingerale, and Steel's favorite beverage is dark coffee and matcha tea
Blat puts hot sauce on everything from Twinkies to milk
Steel's favorite food is sushi
Blat was created using the energy of a Golden Egg, and Mighty Feathers the give him semi-immortality (not dying by old age but can die of physical damage)
The reason why UL Silver is 23 is because she would be legally old enough to inhale copious amounts alcohol in most countries
Steel stores his Melting pot and anvil as cards while traveling, and rips the cards apart to summon them. (they can be turned back into cards after being summoned)
Silver is the kind of character that would canonically swear but doesn't due to the franchise being mostly rated E and can drink 50 shots of tequila in under a quarter of an hour, yet somehow manages to stay conscious.
He's the tooootally lettiyt chiulkd of Mi t. Eagly and his deeefinitaly mentally adjusted mother Zeta. His twin sister is our favorite garlic gbval, err what's her name again? I think it's Apis mellifera Linnaeus?
His ability is kissing men
Iota is named after the 9th number in the greek alphabet and his blood is [the square root of 4761]% alchol :)))
He accidentally got into a secretly reltionship with Hank (don't tell his sister, dubbing)
He's a realy Agrrivated avian and will exist outside of Pride Mopthbn
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Credits to Firefly(ish) and KrimaDraws for Tony and Melody