Growing apart from the main flock [Red's flock], Willow joined Red and the others [the rest of Red's flock like Chuck, Bomb, etc.] when Stella's gang left Golden Island.
Does this imply that after the events of Angry Birds Stella, Willow decided to abandon Poppy, Luca, and Dahlia to become a member of Red's flock? Creative differences? I'm confused.
*the scene cuts to 13 years later, where Stella is writing a dairy entry in Gale's and her apartment in Pig City*
Stella: "Dear Diary, it has been a decade and 3 years since I last stayed at Camp Splinterwood, and things had changed in the time since then."
Stella: "First of all, Ruby got out of the Pig City Mental Asylum due to now being stable enough to live in Piggy Island's land. She (forcibly) married with Red, her old victim."
Stella: "Not less than a month later, Red decided to cheat on her with Shakira of all people."
Stella: "On the other hand, Chuck has become a model for a sport gear brand, Bomb is currently giving out mediation classes, and Penley has become an architect"
Stella: "Dahlia became millionaire scientist from her cure of cancer, Poppy started an unfunny internet prank channel, and the Blues became child actors."
Stella: "Meanwhile, Bubbles advertised Willow's "candy" & overdosed from whatever was in it."
Stella: "Willow took over the Piggy Kingdom before Ice Bird decided to overthrow her..."
Stella: "Brenda rock band took #1 on the charts. then later they split up due to creative differences"
Stella: "Harold divorced Lynette because the instability of their marriage, while Matilda & Pearl started an orphanage."
Stella: "Mighty Eagle, Lynette, Willow, and Terence got arrested for things that I don't feel comfortable writing here..."
Stella: "Neiderflyer died of homelessness due to his changes to the 'Feder Bank' company, and Bradly had a child with Robin: Ammo Feder. Brad left his own child for milk when he was 6."
Stella: "It is getting late & Gale is currently selling 'Golden sand' to be used in hotels." *stops writings and goes to sleep in bed*
*The scene cuts to Gaia appearing in Stella's dream*
Stella: "Gaia, is that you?"
Gaia: *looks at Stella in disgust* "E W ! HOW DID I CREATE SUCH A HIDIOUS CREATURE!" *vomits*
Stella: "W H A T ? !"
Gaia: "That's IT! I no longer wish for this universe and myself to continue existing any more after seeing this UTTER monstrosity!" *deletes the entire universe and herself*
*insert credits here*
Taking some inspiration to both Sally.EXE and the Sally.EXE cover of Triple Trouble from FNF Vs. Sonic.EXE, hear are the characters that got replaced:
-Matilda as Soul Cream (known as Soul Matilda)
-Stella as Soul Amy (known as Soul Stella)
-KD's Ruby as Soul Sally (known as Soul Ruby)
-Red.EXE/Thoreau as Sonic.EXE/Xenophanes
-Willow as BF
Note: Gale was originally planned to take Eggman's place, but she was ended up replaced with KD's Ruby.
20 Votes in Poll
It's for a potential game called "Angry Birds Stella Space".
Dahlia (can you guess the game she's referencing????)
Any name and ability ideas?
In prior to the Angry Birds x Sonic crossover, here’s the Angry Birds Girls version of Triple Trouble (inspired from the Sally.EXE cover of Triple Trouble from FNF Vs. Sonic.EXE), which is set in Willow's Nightmare…
Credits goes to SquidwardTentacools for Willow vector sprite, Zachary and Felix belong to me.
Stella is 23, Dahlia is 24, and Willow is 27
Stella joins the flock after Willow's RPG Boss Fight in the Episode "South Beach"
Dahlia and Willow join the flock in "Short Fuse Ex."
Willow was enslaved by the Piggy empire via a brain hijacking device that is broken after the Flock almost Kill her.
Stella Froze Willow and revived her in the Piggy Kingdom's Royal lab.
Stella, Willow, Artist pig, and Dahlia (technically) were a few of the only living survivors of the survivors of the Golden Island massacre 4 years before the events of ABUL(retconning the 5 year gap in the Piggy Empire post)
Poppy and Luca were amalgamated and sacrificed themselves to kill King Pig in "Pig Palace" , and Dahlia became an AI
Dahlia's genius and inventions was what drove Blue to pursue science in the pre-reset timeline.
The reason why there is no tea in Willow's café is because Silver said traditional tea "wasn't marketable enough"
Willow's Café is Unlocked Post-game
The café can celebrate multiple holidays at once
Stella has no Space form and is the exact same when summoned into a space (The UL designs of Stella & Silver are my head canon space designs for them)
Willow was devastated when she found out what happened to Square Valley’s and Golden Island’s environments.
Stella's favorite ice-cream flavor is rose-strawberry with boysenberry swirls, Willow's is Green Tea, while Dahlia's is coffee & walnuts.
The café sells Boysenberry pies on Pi π Day
Blue modified Dahlia's hologram form to restore Science-Fu, an ability that was lost after her brain was uploaded to serve as an "artificial" intelligence.
Stella bonked Chuck on the head immediately after joining the Flock
Willow provides Homing Chicken with "Medical Herb" and Take Out so he can sell it on his Black Market
Dahila created Stella's visor from a synthesized nanite-infused glass, allowing for increased accuracy of her targets, even in the lowest of light-levels.
They're disgusted by the fact that the "Birds Of a Feather Salon" and "Gale's Spa" use the likeness's of their dead friends (Poppy and Gale)on Golden island.
Stella got her Bubble-Gun as a Birthday gift from Dahlia.
Willow was originally supposed to have an irrational fear of bread at one point.
If they were to fight their GCSM counterparts, they would win.
Stella, Dahlia, Artist Pig, Willow both have season passes to Universal Studios Piggywood (Yes, there is a Universal studios on Piggy Island.)
Stella gains an upgrade during "Short Fuse Ex", Neo Pink-Flash (How "creative"). Neo Pink-Flash allows her to hit a chain of 3 targets, releasing bubbles on after making contact with her 3rd target. Also, the blue bubbles freeze, while the the corrosive green bubbles slowly dissolve whatever they're holding onto.
Poppy & Luca sacrificed themselves to kill King Pig in “Pig Palace"
Willow owns a simp hammer and has yet to use it.
She's ✨ a s e x u a l ✨Okay, that's it.
Terence is 29, while Tony is 32
Terence is the on-nonsense older brother/father figure to the flock (except for Matilda & Pearl) who puts the safety of the eggs & flock over the petty inner-conflicts that sometimes happen mostly due to Chuck. (Often taking the responsibility of Egg-watch when others, usually red, gets burnt out)
Due to being more mentally grounded and mature, he's one of the few adults Blue actually looks up to
Tony enjoys eating fish pies alone at a cafe, while Terence prefers hearty beef stew near a campfire & the flock.
Unlike his cousin, Tony views the rest of the flock more like "coworkers" than family. He would still feel bad if any of them (except for Chuck) got hurt, but to a lesser extent than Terence.
Terence Joins the flock in the 3rd episode, "Ham & High EX", while Tony Joins the Flock in "On Finn Ice"
Unlike his pre-reset counterpart, Terence actually speaks (They have the same traumatic "childhood", but coped differently)
In addition to slamming straight into the ground, Tony's ability will also cause a weakened Birdquake effect within a small radius.
Terence builds and engages with Matilda's hobby from time to time (as well as drink low alcohol smoky whisky), but they aren't his main priority
He gives emotional support to Stella or Red whenever they had a mental breakdown and are nearby (with or without Willow)
Each time you play usually it crashes but you have to turn off wifi to prevent the crashing.
I grew up playing Angry Birds games, and Angry Birds Stella has left the biggest impact on me, to say the least. I still can't believe it's been nine years since it came out!
That singular nincompoop is going to be very very aggravated about this