Okay, motivation has struck me, so we’re doing this now, besides that, I’d like to mention that this series is very loosely based off of Cinemasins' Everything Wrong With series (although to be real the only real similarity is the title format) and the original set of posts of this type were first created all the way back in 2022 by user Mike4678. That said, let’s see how trash this game really is.
1. Right off the bat, I shouldn’t have been given the option to send feedback trough a like/dislike system, since y’all know that I’m gonna make it my personal objective to press dislike every. Single. Time.
2. Square pigs. I cannot stress how ffffffreaking messed up their presence is, and the best part is that they’re actually more common than the regular round variant, what the actual fork
3. Appearantly this game went trough some sort of overhaul update a while back that turned its progression system into a season pass. So not only do I get to complain more about the mere presence of season passes and how I despise most of them, but also:
4. The addition of a season pass poofs any resemblance of a story that this game once had out of existence, it wasn’t that great in the first place, but now it’s worse, congratulations, Rovio.
5. Rovio loves lootboxes so much that they incorporated it into the primary gameplay amirite guys? …What do you mean this has already occurred since 1985?
6. Despite the fact that Red is the last bird unlocked, he somehow still is the worst one for some reason
7. Ice Bird cameos in this game. What an attempt at fanservice, amirite?
8. Hatchlings are very centralized in this game, need I say more?
9. Once again, the birds aren’t- I really can’t bring a good delivery without swearing- nevermind, they’re just not angry at all. How many more times is the literal title of the franchise going to be done a disservice?
10. Oh, there’s an anger meter. Still, even with this mechanic, they might as well call the franchise “Moderately Upset Birds” rather than Angry Birds.
11. Silver’s design looks like a very weird amalgamation of her classic and movie design and I do not like that. Ya know. Icky.
12. The bird’s voices don’t really sound super childish anymore, but still sound really off. They sound more like their movie counterparts than that of Toons.
13. I’m just gonna skip this one again again.
14. Starbucks is canon to Angry Birds now. Dear goodness.
15. This has got to be the single lamest credits screen in any AB game. It’s got no minigames, no artworks, nothing.
16. A life system. *sigh*, how many more bloody times do I have to say that a life system DOESN’T MAKE FREAKING SENSE IN A PUZZLE GAME, IT DEFEATS THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF PUZZLE GAMES' TRIAL AND ERROR COMPONENT YOU BI-
17. The power-ups in this game are all uninspired and flavorless versions of AB2’s spells. Oh and there’s also Flower Power, which is an uninspired and flavorless version of Mushbloom from AB Friends.
18. Angered Birds sometimes randomly get disabled in non-tutorial levels and I have no clue why.
19. Look at how they massacred my girl, Sunflower
20. You thought that I was done with Angry Birds Blast in part 15? Cuz jokes on you that was a diversion, the AB Blast balloons are in this game ya daft punks
21. “Angered” birds rotate weirdly for some reason, and I wish I could find a proper way to find my recordings of that happening and convert them into gifs, but I can’t, so y’all will just have to take my word.
22. The objectives make less and less sense over time, as we go from popping pigs to saving caged, “ballooned” and frozen hatchlings to freaking reuniting fireflies. Yep.
23. This hatchling looks like she went trough bloody PTSD, I mean, look at her face lmao
24. While this game at least features more birds than just Red, Chuck and Bomb, I have an inkling that Stella and Silver were just added in for gender representation, and plus we’re still missing many more birds.
25. The Pigs seemingly have no reason to be after the “mystic eggs” as remember, minion pigs don’t even like eggs, according to AB Toons lore (although Modern Rovio probably doesn’t give a crap about pre-established lore)
Outro: Alright, one more part to go, Bad Piggies. Unlike this game (where I only played up to level 60 and called it quits afterwards), I actually want to replay trough the entirety of BP in order to thrash on the game in here (but off course also to enjoy it). So expect the last part to take a bit longer than 1 day. Also, I wont be doing any other parts on new games, so that’s that.
Previous Parts for those that wanna read up on them (or read the disclaimers found in parts 1-5):
Part 7: Angry Birds Star Wars II
Part 10: Angry Birds Transformers
Part 14: Angry Birds Evolution