Angry Birds: Mystery of the Green Bird is a story book by Puffin Book released on July 4, 2013. It is published as part of its three-year deal with Rovio Entertainment.
The survival of the Angry Birds is at stake! The Angry Birds are mystified when they discover a new, green bird on Piggy Island. Little do they know that the Green Bird is really a tiny Pig in disguise. His mission is to steal the eggs, but will he succeed?
Find out in this new story, and enjoy the brilliant extra quiz and puzzle content at the back. Perfect for Angry Birds fans.
Mystery of the Green bird is a prequal of sorts to Angry Birds Classic's Danger Above. The plot kicks off with Matilda running towards The Flock's encampment. When The Blues and Red ask her what she's so excited about, she shows them a green feather she found (said feather presumably belonging to Hal). Red dismisses it as a weirdly shaped plant. Chuck finds a detective's hat and a magnifying glass, proclaiming himself the smartest bird in the island. Red supports him, and heads off to get some sleep.
What the birds failed to realize was that a Piggy scout was listening in on their conversation. The scout runs off to King Pig, who is currently throwing a tantrum over not having any Eggs to eat. When the scout relays news of a possible new bird on the island, Chef Pig concocts a plan to send a disguised pig to pass as the green bird. The king singles out one small Minion Pig to be their Green Bird. The minion is equipped with a bluish-green watering can, and sent off to the flock's encampment.
The moment the false fowl steps into the Bird's camp he is met with The Blues and an overjoyed Matilda, who offers him a necklace. She comments about how hard his head is, and the pig replies that his nickname is Hard Head, a name that Matilda runs with. She introduces the new bird to Bomb, Red, and Chuck. Red is immediately suspicious of the new "bird". The Flock hold a celebration later that night, giving Hard Head a chance to swipe The Eggs. When Hard Head mysteriously disappears from the party, Red goes off to investigate.
On Hard Head's way to the Eggs, a rock becomes dislodged from a hill, and begins rolling in The Egg's direction. Hard Head, paying no attention to his surroundings, trips into the boulders path, knocking it away from The Eggs. While accidental, Red mistakes Hard Head's blunder for a selfless sacrifice, buying Hard Head both more trust and more time. Hard Head later volunteers to guard The Eggs during the night, giving him the perfect opportunity to make off with them. While he's alone with The Eggs, however, Red has a prophetic dream of Hard Head cooking The Eggs. He wakes up and goes off to investigate, which in turn wakes up Chuck, who follows Red.
Just when Hard Head is preparing to lift up the first Egg, Red charges in. He asks the imitation bird what he's doing with The Eggs. Hard Head, discretely marking the sand, explains that one of The Eggs was out of place, and that he was simply moving it back. Red is satisfied with this answer, and returns to bed, all the while Chuck is watching the interaction from the bushes. Chuck chooses to keep watch of Hard Head, but Red's surprise inspection sufficiently scared the disguised pig into staying out of trouble for the night. Soon, both Chuck and Hard Head fall asleep.
Unfortunately for Hard Head, when the sun begins rising in the mourning, the magnifying glass begins to heat up his watering can disguise. Soon, Hard Head finds his disguise burning, and his screams of pain alert Red. Once Hard Head manages to get the watering can off his head, the game is up. Red knocks the revealed Pig out of their encampment, and Hard Head is forced to return to King Pig empty handed. Red explains the events to Matilda and Chuck, congratulating Chuck on his accidental success in discovering Green Bird's secret. Matilda remains hopeful that an actual Green Bird may still be out there.