Piggy Tales: Pigs at Work is the second season of Piggy Tales that aired from April 17, 2015, to September 25, 2015. This season focuses on the Minion Pigs' lives at work.
See List of Piggy Tales: Pigs at Work Episodes
- Main article: Piggy Tales: Pigs at Work/Gallery
- This might mean that the Piggy Tales studio is under renovation after the conclusion of the episode It's A Wrap.
- This might also show what the pigs do while constructing structures in the Angry Birds games.
- This, along with the show's other three seasons have nothing to do with eggs.
v ā¢ e Television and film | |
Animated series | Angry Birds Toons (2013-2016) ā¢ Piggy Tales (2014-2019) (Pigs at Work (2015) ā¢ Third Act (2016-2017) ā¢ 4th Street (2017-2019)) ā¢ Angry Birds Stella (2014-2016) ā¢ Angry Birds Blues (2017) ā¢ Angry Birds Zero Gravity (2018) ā¢ Angry Birds MakerSpace (2019-) ā¢ Angry Birds Slingshot Stories (2020-2024) ā¢ Angry Birds Bubble Trouble (2020-2023) ā¢ Angry Birds Summer Madness (2022) ā¢ Angry Birds Mystery Island (2024-) |
Films | The Angry Birds Movie (2016) ā¢ The Angry Birds Movie 2 (2019) |
Other | Rocket Science Show (2015) ā¢ Fun Game Coding (2016) ā¢ Angry Birds BirLd Cup (2018) ā¢ Angry Birds Surprise (2018-2019) ā¢ Angry Birds on The Run (2018-2020) ā¢ Angry Birds Challenge (2019) |
Upcoming | The Angry Birds Movie 3 |