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We send Chuck soaring in a high arc and activate on the way down to poke a hole in the roof of the right house. The we send Stella over in a low arc to the same spot to go down into the house and fairly well demolish it with the ensuing chain reaction. There were some points left on the board there, though, so we sent Matilda slightly higher and bombed just to the right of the remains of the left wall and gained 11K for a net gain. Finally, Tony is a straight shooter on this one. No special powers, just sheer size and weight power him on his low journey through the near house. Just aim him directly at the caged Bubbles there and he should slice through it like it was warm butter.
*Appears in the international mobile version only **Appears in the PC version only ***Unused ^Appears in the Chinese version only +Appears in Angry Birds Trilogy only