The Angry Birds Movie: Red's Big Adventure is an installment in the Angry Birds National Geographic books themed around The Angry Birds Movie. The book was released in 2016 to coincide with the movie.
- This latest entry in the National Geographic Angry Birds series will take you on an amazing journey with Red, the leader of the Angry Birds flock, along with Matilda, Chuck, Bomb, Terence, and the mysterious Mighty Eagle.
- Featuring The Angry Birds Movie (2016) story world, this book is filled with all the fun facts and information Red and the flock need to embark on their big adventure. From identifying wildlife to navigating by the stars to building a shelter and setting traps (for any roaming Piggies), this book will be sure to educate and entertain.
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Level 1: Bird Island[]
- At Home on Bird Island
- The Original Angry Bird
- On Island Time
Level 2: Bird Village[]
Level 3: The Search for Mighty Eagle[]
Level 4: Beyond the Island[]