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The Golden Pineapple is the thirteenth episode of the first season of Angry Birds Summer Madness.
- Red
- Chuck
- Bomb
- Stella
- Robin
- Mighty Eagle
- Duck
- Unnamed Purple Male Bird (cameo)
- Unnamed Pink Male Bird (Cameo)
- Unnamed Green Male Bird (cameo)
- Unnamed Crow
- Unnamed Dark Blue bird with Blue Glasses
- Unnamed teenage birds
The following information contains spoilers with the plot and ending details. Or continue to scroll down for your own risk.
The episode begins with Red, Chuck, Bomb, Stella, Penley, Robin, and 3 other campers at the cafeteria stairs listening to Mighty Eagle. Mighty Eagle announces that the campers in front of him have signed up for "Capture the Golden Pineapple" and immediately falls asleep. Bomb states that the amount of competition makes him "explodey" and Robin asks not to be on his team. Stella and Red state the objective of the game, which is to fbe the first to find a golden pineapple. A crowd sings, "ThE gOlDeN pInEaPpLe" as the campers stare at the golden pineapple. Chuck drools and states his desire to consume the golden pineapple. Stella tells him that the "golden" pineapple is neither made out of gold nor edible, and Chuck immediately drops it into Mighty Eagle's right hand. Mighty Eagle announces that the players are going to split into 3 teams and starts to sleep. The touch of the golden pineapple awakes him, and he apologies for his "wild night" last night. A flashback is shown of him eating cheesy snacks from a purple beach bucket while laying on a green coach. After Mighty Eagle falls of the concrete stairs, Stella explains the rules. The rules are: Mighty Eagle splits the campers into 3 teams, Mighty Eagle hides the pineapple, and the first team to find and bring it to the dining hall wins. Stella wakes up Mighty Eagle, and he announces Stella, Penley, and Red as the team leaders. The duck and crow are with Red, Chuck and Bomb are with Penley, and Robin and an unnamed blue bird are with Stella.
Chuck shows his concern about Red and Stella being on opposite teams. Red asks why he's concerned, and Chuck explains that Stella is going to morph into "an unstoppable competitive beast". Bomb and Chuck state that "blood will flow," "tears will be shed," and that it "happens every time." Red and Stella make a pact to prevent anything wrong from happening. Mighty Eagle goes to "hide" the golden pineapple. Robin launches a balloon onto Red and manipulates Stella and him into playing dirty, convincing Red that Stella had thrown the balloon. Red and Stella argue and Robin states, "Well, that was easy." Red and Stella encourage their teams to play "dirty". Stella reveals that Red hates jelly and can't resist dancing to the maracas. Meanwhile, Red reveals that Stella is afraid of googly eyes and the dojo is her favorite spot. Stella's and Red's teams begin.
The scene transitions to cafeteria where Penley, Bomb, and Chuck are drinking lemonade slushies in glasses with 2 ice cubes out of white straws. Bomb asks what they're supposed to be doing, and Chuck states that he wants to stay out of Red and Stella's "atomic blast" outside. Chuck asks if Penley and Bomb want more lemonade slushy and refills their glasses. Back outside, the crow on Red's team is caught in a trap laid by Stella's team and gets launched away. Red screams Stella's name. Stella runs away from a dojo filled with googly eyes, and Red chases her. The blue bird launches grape jelly at Red, causing him to push his duck teammate into a waterslide that launches the duck into a mountain. The blue bird, Robin, and Stella get trapped by Red. Red jokes about Stella's struggling as a "victory dance", and she distracts him by playing the maracas. Red breakdances his way to the golden pineapple, and Stella shouts his name so load that it sends a strong soundwave to cause damage to the camp. Bomb, Chuck, and Penley notice the screaming while enjoying their slushies and pudding. Robin and Stella escape, and Robin tells Stella to get "dirtier". Stella, who has fallen into a mud puddle, remarks that she just did.
Red takes the pineapple from Mighty Eagle's arms because Red had correctly guessed that Mighty Eagle would forget to hide it. Stella reveals that Red had once received the nickname "pee pee glitter pants" after urinating himself in arts in crafts in the year of "not that long ago". Red gets stuck in a glue puddle, and the campers laugh at him. Red and Stella argue about crossing the line, and Robin somehow glues Stella to the ground without her noticing it. Robin takes the Golden Pineapple, and Red and Stella apologize to each other. They turn the wood planks on their feet into "skis" and struggle their way to a slingshot. Red and Stella slingshot themselves into the air and use the planks glued to their feet as helicopter blades. Robin catapults herself to the dining hall after noticing them. Robin pushes Red and Stella into each other before crash-landing. Penley's team wins after the golden pineapple knocks Penley into Mighty Eagle's arm. Robin asks for a do over after losing. Red and Stella do a victory dance in front of Robin, and state that Robin losing is their victory. The episode ends with Chuck losing his teeth after biting the golden pineapple and then continuing to eat it.
- The victory dance Stella does after Robin looses is the same dance she does in the episode "Space Oddities"