"The Pig Reveal" is the twentieth episode of Angry Birds on The Run. It premiered on April 6, 2019.
Just as Red, Bomb, and Chuck are about to return to their world and save the Angry Birds universe from destruction and despair, it comes to a startling revelation!
We see a brief flashback of a woman (the mysterious stranger who had been following the birds) in her car, saying goodbye to her daughter (the kid whose phone the birds fell out of), as she runs to catch her bus. On the way, the mom sees her accidentally dropping her phone, then picking it up, but not before seeing Red, Chuck and Bomb launched out of it, surprising her. Several scenes play out from previous episodes, revealing the mom was in fact following the trio ever since they fell out of the phone, but every chance she took to retrieve them, they ran away. When the girl asks her mother what are they doing here, she responds that she's unsure, and that the birds aren't really smart. Only here do the birds learn of why they have been chased around, and they all try to tell them the problem, but unfortunately, both the humans can't understand them, unknowingly supporting the mom's theory, but her daughter is convinced that Red, Chuck & Bomb are trying to tell something. Red takes several of the candy wrappers lying about, spelling "FONE" with it, thus making them realise the trio needs her phone to return home. The girl is questioned as to whether she ate all the candy; she denies it, but regardless, decides to help the birds return home. As they wait, with Red looking excited that they're going home at long last, but their joy is short-lived, when a familiar face shows up—King Pig, swiping the girl's phone. Chuck points out that it was King Pig who ate the candy—he flatly remarks he was feeling peckish. King Pig congratulates them, but tells that they're going to prevent Red, Chuck and Bomb from going home. Red soon remarks that the pigs were also following the birds. Flashbacks play out from previous episodes, this time showing King Pig and his minions in view, watching the birds. The pigs also reveal that instead of wasting time like they did, they did what they could. King Pig reveals his new plan; once they return home, they will destroy the phone, preventing any chance of the birds (or their replacements) from reaching the game, and will gets the eggs once and for all. They disappear in some smoke, and so the girl and her mom decide to go after them, but accidentally take some plushies of the trio, instead of actually taking them. Red remarks, "well, that's insulting".
- This is King Pig and Medium Pig's first appearance.
- The third Angry Birds on The Run episode were Matilda, Jay, Jake, Jim, Silver, Terence, and Bubbles made an appearance, but only as posters.
- The Medium pigs have their Toons voices instead of the movie's.